National Commission of State Opticianry Regulatory Boards

The purpose of NCSORB is to provide state opticianry licensing boards a forum for education, assessment,
exchange of information, and research that further strengthens licensing laws to lessen the burden of government
and operations, and to better serve public needs and further the common welfare and well-being of the community.
NCSORB provides a national forum on issues related to opticianry licensure.

All candidate information is submitted from the State opticianry boards to NCSORB for candidates who meet the eligibility requirements and have paid the appropriate fees to the test administrator.

Candidates for the National Optician's Practical Examination must meet their respective State's eligibility requirements for licensure in opticianry and pay the appropriate fees in order obtain access to the candidate portion of this website.

Upon receipt of the candidate information from the State, candidates will be contacted by NCSORB to be given access to the "candidate" section of National Optician's Practical Examination website by NCSORB.